Massage caution

Most people can benefit from massage. However, if you have a medical history involving conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, or diabetes, it’s important to inform me so I can assess if a massage is suitable for your condition. 

Conditions where massage is possible with caution

There are some conditions that are contraindicated locally. That means that I can give you a massage but will avoid those areas with those conditions when giving you the massage. 

Here are a list of common contraindications:

  • Cuts or open wounds

  • Bruises

  • Bleeding disorders or take blood-thinning medication

  • Varicose veins

  • Deep vein thrombosis

  • Broken bones (fractures)

  • Severe osteoporosis

  • Burns or healing wounds

  • Sunburn

  • Some skin conditions

If you have any of these contraindications,  please let me know about them in advance via your consultation form so we can discuss and I can work around these areas. However, if these conditions are too severe or painful, a massage may not be appropriate. In this case, I reserve the right to refuse treatment to ensure maintenance of health standards.

In special circumstances, I may require a GP or specialist consultant letter of consent before I can offer you a massage treatment. 

Conditions where massage will not be possible

Total contraindications are more serious. You cannot get a massage if you have these conditions because massage could make the problem worse. These conditions include:


You should never have a massage if you’re feeling unwell, have a fever, cold, flu or other infection. A massage increases circulation that may increase the severity of the fever and infection. 

Contagious diseases

If you have a contagious disease you are putting me and my other clients at risk.  Please be considerate and cancel or rebook your massage if you come down with a contagious condition.

Blood clots

Massage can loosen or dislodge blood clots, which could travel to the brain, lungs or heart. If you are aware of any blood clots, I will ask you to provide a written letter of consent from your GP or specialist to ensure a massage is safe for you.

Pregnancy in the first trimester

Pregnant women should only have massage administered by a therapist trained in Pregnancy and Pre-natal Massage (like me). Massage in the first trimester should be avoided as there is a risk of miscarriage. 

Kidney or liver conditions

Massage increases blood flow, increasing the movement of fluid and waste through the body. This can put a strain on both the liver and kidneys if they are not functioning normally. If you’re experiencing kidney or liver issues, it’s likely that massage will not be appropriate for you. Speak with your GP or specialist before booking a massage and as I will ask for a formal letter of consent.


If you have swelling or inflammation of any kind, a massage to the area may aggravate the situation futher.

Uncontrolled hypertension

If you have high blood pressure that is not under control, the increased blood flow from a massage may cause complications.


Massage can help relieve some of the discomfort caused by cancer, but should only be administered by a therapist with an Oncology Massage qualification who is trained to work with cancer patients. The patient should obtain a release form from their doctor to get treatment.


Massage aftercare